Our life and our dogs
Our dogs - our happiness, our best friends.
They are always with us. Sometimes they get on our lap and sleep, at this time they look like a tangle of wool yarn. It`s so cute!
You can find here more about our beloved dogs: personal information, photos & videos.

Our dogs at show rings
24.09.2017 - Минск, Беларусь
Чемпионат породы Немецкий шпиц
Эксперт - А.Бабяскиене (Литва)
Tangle of Happiness Braunfels - CW, Лучший щенок породы!
Best in Show Puppy - 2!

Kennel "Tangle of Happiness"
Our breeding, puppies and planned litters.

"Tangle of Happiness" litter "B"
Date of birth - 22.02.2017

"Tangle of Happiness" litter "А"
Date of birth - 21.08.2016

Always ready to tell you about our dogs,
Ekaterina Kolesova
Breeder, trainer and show handler
                  +7-903-097-40-77       kate@kleinspitz.ru